Spark fresh ideas and actions to grow your church
Lead your team to better first impressions or effective personal evangelism through *Live* Video Conference Training
Why Choose A Live Virtual Seminar For Your Group
Insight and Fresh Ideas
Set apart 90 minutes to two hours to gain practical insight and generate fresh actionable ideas with your group.
Renewed Energy and Enthusiasm
Take a bunch of notes during the lively conversation. You’ll find new momentum to move forward.
Action You Can Use This Weekend
Identify easy-win next steps to start right away. You’ll take away more ideas to implement later.
Invest in Your Team
Give your group, committee, or team an opportunity to grow into future leaders. Use this to invite future volunteers.
Online and Live
Gather your group in a living room or church conference room. Or let everyone stay home and participate from their living room.
Easy to Schedule
Find the perfect meeting time that works for your group. Schedule a call in a few days or in a few months.
You’ve given me some great thoughts about what steps I need to take.
Taking on organizing this ministry doesn’t seem so overwhelming anymore.
The phone call we had helped me discover some practical steps I could immediately take to fire up the first impressions ministry in our 400 member church.
J Hampsher

What Others Say
I wanted to thank you again for a great Virtual Seminar. All I have heard are good comments and ideas for future ones. To God be the Glory! – Pastor L. Ruby, Pittsburgh
You did a great job talking about a subject that does have great importance in helping welcome people to a new church….It helped me evaluate the way I greet newcomers and gave me food for thought. – Valerie, Kansas City
On behalf of Bethel World Outreach and especially the Global Evangelism Ministry, I want to say thank you and God bless you. The program was inspiring, very rich and practical. Thank you so much for allowing God to move so powerfully through you. I know that change has come, and most members will rise up to evangelize and disciple souls for Kingdom growth and for God’s glory. – Pastor P. Noudem.
“Chris knows this stuff inside out,
and yet is very personable.
He’s passionate about
helping you share your faith. ”
— Joe Schlosser, Excellence Coaching Group
“You had excellent ideas
I’m really jazzed about what you shared.
I feel re-energized with new ideas”
Rev. T. Watson, Small Church Pastor
Need Help?
You are here because you want to
Improve your first impressions
Create worth and vigor in your hospitality ministry
Start / restart your welcome ministry
Even if it’s your first time leading this ministry, get great ideas to get going.
Help more church visitors return and connect
Develop ways to help visitors get involved with your church
Have more evangelistic conversations
Learn ways to recognize conversational opportunities.
Equip your members in evangelism
Cultivate 4 simple habits in personal evangelism that anyone can start today.
Lead a person to faith in Christ.
Be part of someone’s journey to faith and help them grow.
Why Choose EvangelismCoach for Your Virtual Training Event
If you are wondering why you should use EvangelismCoach to lead your training, consider some of what Chris as done in the past that might be relevant:
- Experienced: Teaching Evangelism and Church Growth since 1988
- Author of Church Greeters 101 (now available in paperback, kindle).
- Moderated Presbytery’s Evangelism Committee
- Published in Net-Results Magazine, Presbyterians Today
- Launched 4 other businesses
- Served in 4 new church developments in 2 different countries.
- Speaks English and Spanish.
- Consulted on the development of new evangelism curriculums
- Taught evangelism and mission conferences in 10 countries
- Taught on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in 10 countries.
- Serves on church’s First Impressions and Spanish Translation team

Get your group talking and moving
Better Hospitality
Are you the newly-appointed volunteer of the committee or to address hospitality, greeters, or assimilation in your church?
You want your hospitality ministry to improve because it is not where it should be or could be.
Does your hospitality ministry feel stuck?
Are people resisting your leadership because they don’t want to change?
Are you frustrated that they “just don’t get it?”
Do you feel there just too much information out there to know how to begin?
Better Evangelism
Feel awkward having have spiritual conversations or ever been paralyzed by fear when those moments arrive?
Feel like you missing too many conversations about faith because of lack of confidence?
Evangelism is a process that includes many conversations with a person on their spiritual journey to Christ.
But how do you start a conversation without being that obnoxious evangelist you have in mind? How can you meaningfully insert a question that would open the doors to deeper conversation?
Ready for Results?
- Practical. Based on my life experiences teaching evangelism on two continents and in two languages.
- Biblical – No compromising of Scripture to get butts on benches here.
- Personal – You’ll work with me to plan and apply lessons to fit the personality of your church.
- Affordable – A fraction of the cost of taking your ministry team to a conference or me to speak in person for a few days.
- Church-Based – You learn right from home and apply ideas immediately to your church.
- Step-by-Step Help. – You get some great ideas and focus to apply right away.
- Gospel-Centered – It’s all about Jesus, proclaiming the glorious good news and making disciples.
They Like Jesus But Not The Church – A Review
Timeless advice to spiritual conversations with those around us, based on Dan Kimball’s book They Like Jesus but not the church.
Are You Prepared to Welcome New Visitors to Church?
At the beginning of every year, people make New Year’s resolutions. Some want to start growing spiritually and they will check out churches that might help them grow.
Throughout the year, someone will attend your church for the first time.
Are you prepared for their visit?
Are you ready to receive them and welcome them with the love and message of Jesus Christ?
Using Tracts for Evangelism
A mother asked about using tracts for personal evangelism. Tracts may not always be useful in every context, but using tracts for evangelism can be a helpful conversation starter, a great seed planter, and the Holy Spirit can use it much later than the day the person received it.
10 Ways to Kickstart Your Personal Evangelism This Summer
Check out this list of ways to Jump Start your personal evangelism this summer
Are Church Welcome Packets a good idea?
Are church welcome packets worth the effort to create and share with first-time church visitors?
Church Hospitality Ministry is Not Evangelism!
Church hospitality is not evangelism. Your welcome ministry has a supporting role in the work of making disciples, but it is not evangelism.
Reignite Your First Impressions Ministry
We all want our church visitors to come back. But to get that to happen you need to improve your first impression ministries.
But where do you start?
Get these 7 Secrets to Effective Church Hospitality to give you starting points and ideas that you can implement this weekend.

Change a Life for Jesus Christ
Improve your church hospitality ministry.
Grow your personal evangelism skills.
Learn How to Lead People to Christ
Improve Your Church Greeter Welcome
Lead Your Church in Evangelism
Grow in Personal Evangelism
Increase Invitations to Church
Increase Adult Baptisms